The marsh and aquatic plants of all these categories are on sale by mail with bare roots. They are also available as potted mother plants throughout the year, with prices on specific request. We also produce native aquatic and marsh plants for the restocking and naturalization of wetlands.
Our bare root aquatic and marsh plants are for sale since March 15 th untill September 30th. The same plants in pot are available all year round; send a request via mail to have a price quotation.
Aponogeton distachyos. Water hawthorn. Free-flowering beautiful aquatic plant. The flowers rise above the water during the winter and early on spring, even in cool water. Native species from southern Africa.
€ 17,60
Ex Tax: € 16,00
Nuphar japonica. Dwarf japanese spatterdock. Japanese species, with changeable flowers, rise yellowe to orange color.
€ 13,20
Ex Tax: € 12,00
Nuphar lutea. Eurasiatic spatterdock. Italian native species with yellow vivid flowers.
€ 27,50
Ex Tax: € 25,00
Nuphar lutea ssp sagittifolia. American spatterdock. Original arrow-shape leaves. The flowers change color, grow yellow-orangish to reddish-orange.
€ 16,50
Ex Tax: € 15,00
Nuphar lutea ssp macrophylla. American giant spatterdock. The biggest spatterdock, with biggest flowers of the genus, with large leaves can reach 30 cm. Very vigorous and impressive species. The large leaves rise above the water 50 cm and more.
€ 33,00
Ex Tax: € 30,00
Euryale ferox. Gorgon plant. It's called prickly water lily because of the thorns, on the leaves and on the violet flowers too. Leaves size: 100-150 cm
€ 44,00
Ex Tax: € 40,00
Hydrocleys nymphoides. Water poppy. A tender tropical decorative species from Brasil produces yellow flowers with 3 petals.
€ 9,90
Ex Tax: € 9,00
Eichhornia crassipes Maior - Water hyacinth
€ 10,00
Ex Tax: € 9,09
Limnobium laevigatum (stoloniferum) - Amazon frogs-bit
€ 4,40
Ex Tax: € 4,00
Ceratophyllum demersum - Hornwort plant
€ 10,00
Ex Tax: € 9,10
Acorus calamus. Sweet flag. The rizhome of this asiatic plant are commonly used in asiatic medicine.
€ 4,95
Ex Tax: € 4,50
Acorus calamus Variegata. Variegated sweet flag. The rizhome of this asiatic plant are commonly used in asiatic medicine.
€ 9,35
Ex Tax: € 8,50
Alisma lanceolatum. Water plantain. This species produce many small white flowers, and look as bridal veil.
€ 6,05
Ex Tax: € 5,50
Arundo donax Variegata. Variegated reed. The variety "Versicolor" (or Variegata) has attractive green-and-ivory-white-striped leaves.
€ 11,00
Ex Tax: € 10,00
Bacopa caroliniana. Aquatic lemongrass. The leaves smell of lemon and the small flowers are sky-blue.
€ 7,15
Ex Tax: € 6,50